On the Road Again: 9 of the Best Traveling Songs with Dr. Stephen Richer
On the Road Again: 9 of the Best Traveling Songs with Dr. Stephen Richer
Instructor: Dr. Stephen Richer
In this lecture, with the aid of photos and videos, Stephen Richer presents and discusses his favourite traveling songs. Each song is contextualized historically and presented along with a brief biography of the songwriter. Where possible the audience will be invited to sing the song to illustrate its power as a traveling companion.
Price: $25 (incl. parking)
Date: Thursday, March 15
Room: Lupton Hall
Class Size: Up to 75 participants
Dr. Stephen Richer has a B.A. and M.A. from McGill University and a Ph.D. in Sociology from the Johns Hopkins University. He is currently a Professor Emeritus at Carleton University, where he was previously Head of the Sociology and Anthropology Department and Coordinator of Graduate Studies. In the past eight years, he has given numerous lectures on music history at venues across North America.