Winter 2018 Courses

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From Longhouse to Lumber to Legislature

Instructor: Phil Jenkins

This course explores Ottawa’s rich social history in chronological order, from the arrival of the First Nations and the Europeans to today’s multi-cultural capital city. Participants will learn how each new arrival made use of Ottawa’s geographical setting, and will discover how notable peoples, events and advancements shaped our city. Expect to enjoy a lively and enriched learning experience that includes anecdotes, biographies, illustrations, photographs and songs.

Duration: 6 weeks
Price: $150 (incl. parking)
Day & Time: Tuesdays, 1pm – 3pm
Dates: January 9, 16, 23, 30, February 6, 13
Room: Lupton Hall

Class Size: Up to 60 participants

Phil Jenkins is a teacher, bestselling writer and performing musician. He returned to Ottawa from Liverpool in 1978 with an Honours degree in Environmental Sciences and a Middle Years Teaching Certificate. Since 1991, the Ottawa Citizen has published over 800 of his columns on the story of Ottawa. Phil has also published four national bestsellers: Fields of Vision; An Acre of Time; River Song; Beneath My Feet. He teaches classes on writing and Ottawa’s history.